The announcement today of a new Cancer Control Agency to begin in December is a great start to sorting out our cancer problem here in NZ, but If the government is serious about modernising our cancer care and increase our 5-year cancer survival rates then cancer rehabilitation must be included in the new agency.
The announcement includes:
- A $60million boost to Pharmac over the next two years for treatment
- Emphasis on screening and detection
- Consistent care across all DHB’s removing regional variations in care
Bowel Cancer Foundation Trust has been advocating for a number of years to include rehabilitation as part of a bowel cancer patients pathway alongside charity partner Pinc & Steel Rehabilitation Trust.
Data shows 1 in 4 people are affected by physical and/or emotional impairments after their treatment with little focus by District Health Boards placed on rehabilitation programs for survivors.
There is no health service or ACC funding in New Zealand to help people rehabilitate after cancer treatment, and is often a financial burden for many Kiwi families to do it privately.
Pinc & Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Trust is the only charitable organisation here in New Zealand who help cancer patients rehabilitate after a cancer diagnosis.
Around 3200 Kiwis are diagnosed with bowel cancer each year and with the bowel screening program roll-out, more people will be expected to survive a cancer diagnosis.
Rehabilitation is probably the last thing on patients minds after going through months of gruelling chemo/surgery, but it is one of the most important steps in the journey to a long term healthy recovery and can reduce bowel cancer recurrence by up to 28% and up to 44% in other cancers.
In May 2018 experts at the Clinical Oncology Society of Australia, endorsed by 25 other cancer organisations, launched a position statement about the role of exercise alongside surgery, chemotherapy or radiation in order to counteract the negative effects of cancer and its treatment.
It’s the first-ever researcher-led push for exercise to be part of a cancer patient’s treatment.
The researchers recommend patients be prescribed:
- At least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity or 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity aerobic exercise, like walking, cycling, jogging and swimming each week.
- Two to three resistance exercises (lifting weights) each week.
Bowel Cancer Foundation Trust is proud to be a funding partner with Pinc & Steel Cancer Rehabilitation Trust to help those bowel cancer survivors thrive after their treatment and get back on their feet as quickly as possible.
Bowel Cancer Foundation Trust financially supports a number of bowel cancer survivors each year to take part in one of four rehabilitation programs available throughout New Zealand.
With over 100 certified Pinc & Steel cancer rehab specialists working in 74 clinics throughout New Zealand, we are sure we can help find one closest to you.