All donations are safe and secure and adhere to the strictest guidelines of payment security requirements.
1. Choose an amount
You can donate as much as or as little as you like, every little bit of helps.
Choose to donate either $20, $50, $75, $100, $250 or $500.
If you have another amount in mind key in the number in the box below that shows NZ$.
2. Where would you like your donation to go?
You have the ability to choose where you would like your donations to go using the drop-down box when making a donation. Choose to help where ever it is needed the most, screening, treatment therapies or rehabilitation for cancer survivors.
3. One time or monthly donation?
Click on the box that shows if this donation is a one-off payment or a monthly donation to help us continue our work throughout the year. You can log in to change your selection at any time throughout the year. Click Next to continue.
4. Information
Fill in your contact details so we can send you a receipt verifying the transaction. The content of the receipt complies with the requirements of the IRD.